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THE GAMES HAVE BEGUN. The entry PIN has been published. Find it on our socials to access clue #1 in the menu for a chance to join The Arena.

Enter the Admin Arena!

This will be THE number one event where HubSpot Super Admins compete in puzzles, games, and challenges. Enter your email below to be notified with next steps for when we go live.

Hint: You'll have to earn your spot in the competition. 

Is this real?

Here's where the Admin Arena competition stands:

🔥First: Yes, this is really happening.🔥

👇Here are the details I can release so far👇

🧩This competition, the Admin Arena, is going to pit HubSpot Super Admin against one another in puzzles, challenges, and trivia.

I have each portion of the competition written out already and am now in the process of testing, validating, and refining each element. I want this to be legitimately fun but also engaging and challenging for each competitor. It's a mix of knowing things about HubSpot (trivia), knowing how to use HubSpot (workflows, lists, etc), and knowing how data interacts within HubSpot (calculated properties, reporting, analysis).

Once the challenges have been finalized, I'll be creating the elements of the game within the sandbox environment. This involves score boards, dummy data, workflows, properties, etc. It's a pretty extensive setup and will take some time for me to have everything ready.

🧡This is being done purely for fun and for the love of what we do. With that in mind, the output is going to be a video series which means you will need to be comfortable being on camera in order to participate.

The grand prize? Glory! Bragging rights!There may be more but that's TBD. 😉💰🥇

I don't have a date for the competition yet but will be releasing a sign up page soon for those who are interested in participating. I'm aiming to select participants within the next couple of weeks with the game taking place shortly after.

If all goes well then this will become a recurring competition. Annual event? Finale at Inbound? Let's see where we can take this!

Update from the team....

The Admin Arena experience is nearly completely planned out and we are building the challenges while testing + validating everything. In the meantime, enter your email below and await the next steps.

Interested in Competing?

Drop your info below. An email will be sent out to let you know the next steps in joining the competition. There will be multiple steps before being admitted entry into the Admin Arena so be sure to monitor your email closely. This competition is not for everyone. You'll need a PIN which will be the password to the page containing Clue #1 to continue....

Want to contribute?

A page has been set up on Patreon to support the games. A portion of each contribution will be added into a prize pool for the competition while improving the experience and production value going into the final videos.